Public Season Parking

/Public Season Parking
Public Season Parking 2021-04-23T07:10:17+00:00

Public / Season Parking

Public pay their parking fees on a per entry basis. They will have to pay an hourly parking rate which varies from one operation to another.

Season cardholders pay their parking fees on monthly basis. They will be provided with a season pass to be used during entry and exit from the parking area. To subscribe to the facility, customer will have to apply online at (for KLCC car park only) or by walk in to the car park office. They will have to agree to the term and condition and to the privacy notice in compliance to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (Act 709).

KLCC Parking Management Sdn Bhd Disclaimer
KPM does not guarantee the car park availabilities for applications by individuals, groups, organizations, businesses, or others who may write in, walk in and telephone calls.
The availability shall based upon a first come first served basis.
It is further understood that KPM is not liable to unsuccessful applicants.